This package provides PyNeuroML, for working with neuronal models specified in NeuroML 2.
PyNeuroML targets NeuroML v2.0
PyNeuroML targets NeuroML v2.0, which is described in Cannon et al, 2014). NeuroML v1.8.1 (Gleeson et al. 2010) is now deprecated and not supported by PyNeuroML.
For a detailed description of PyNeuroML see . Please cite the paper if you use PyNeuroML.
PyNeuroML is a Python package that allows you to work with NeuroML models using the Python programming language. It includes all the API functions provided by libNeuroML and pyLEMS, and also wraps all the functions that jNeuroML provides, which can therefore be used from within Python itself.
With pyNeuroML you can:
Create NeuroML models and simulations
Validate NeuroML v1.8.1 and v2.x files
Simulate NeuroML 2 models
Export NeuroML 2 and LEMS files to many formats such as Neuron, Brian, Matlab, etc.
Import other languages into LEMS (e.g. SBML)
Visualise NeuroML models and simulations
Relationship between jLEMS, jNeuroML, the NeuroML 2 LEMS definitions, libNeuroML, pyLEMS and pyNeuroML.#