pyneuroml.povray package#
pyneuroml.povray.MakeMovie module#
- pyneuroml.povray.MakeMovie.generate_volt_scale(img, x, y, height, width, num)#
pyneuroml.povray.NeuroML2ToPOVRay module#
A file for converting NeuroML 2 files (including cells & network structure) into POVRay files for 3D rendering
Author: Padraig Gleeson & Matteo Farinella
This file has been developed as part of the neuroConstruct project This work has been funded by the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust
- pyneuroml.povray.NeuroML2ToPOVRay.define_dummy_cell(pop_id, radius, pov_file)#
- pyneuroml.povray.NeuroML2ToPOVRay.generate_povray(neuroml_file: str, split: bool = False, background: str = '<1,1,1,0.55>', movie: bool = False, inputs: bool = False, conns: bool = False, conn_points: bool = False, v: bool = False, frames: bool = 36, posx: float = 0, posy: float = 0, posz: float = 0, viewx: float = 0, viewy: float = 0, viewz: float = 0, scalex: float = 1, scaley: float = 1, scalez: float = 1, mindiam: float = 0, plane: bool = False, segids: bool = False)#
Generate a POVRAY image or movie file.
Please see and for information on installing and using POVRAY.
This function will generate POVRAY files that you can then run using POVRAY.
- Parameters:
neuroml_file (str) – path to NeuroML file containing cell/network
split (bool) – generate separate files for cells and network
background (str) – background for POVRAY rendering
movie (bool) – toggle between image and movie rendering
inputs (bool) – show locations of inputs also
conns (bool) – show connections in networks with lines
conn_points (bool) – show end points of connections in network
v (bool) – toggle verbose output
frames (int) – number of frames to use in movie
posx (float) – offset position in x dir (0 is centre, 1 is top)
posy (float) – offset position in y dir (0 is centre, 1 is top)
posz (float) – offset position in z dir (0 is centre, 1 is top)
viewx (float) – offset viewing point in x dir (0 is centre, 1 is top)
viewy (float) – offset viewing point in y dir (0 is centre, 1 is top)
viewz (float) – offset viewing point in z dir (0 is centre, 1 is top)
scalex (float) – scale position from network in x dir
scaley (float) – scale position from network in y dir
scalez (float) – scale position from network in z dir
mindiam (float) – minimum diameter for dendrites/axons (to improve visualisations)
plane (bool) – add a 2D plane below cell/network
segids (bool) – toggle showing segment ids
pyneuroml.povray.OverlaySimulation module#
- pyneuroml.povray.OverlaySimulation.get_color_for_volts(v, args)#
- pyneuroml.povray.OverlaySimulation.get_rainbow_color_for_volts(v, args)#